Condom Size List

The best condom variety pack based on your size

If you want to find the best fitting condom, generally, you should buy a variety pack that contains multiple brands. Most brands will only have one condom in a particular size, and then they will take that condom and modify it to create variations that have more or less lubricant, different thicknesses, or adding spermicide or desensitizing lubricant. That's all great, but if your main concern is finding a good fit, then you don't really need a variety pack with the condom variations.

If that's what you're looking for, then I think I've found the perfect condom samplers from which lets you buy a duplicate-free sampler with a wide variety of brands. luckybloke has 4 samplers that you should look at. After you've measured yourself, you should be able to choose one of the following samples that will be perfect for you.

The Perfect Fit Finder sampler contains a wide variety of sizes. Expect that you'll get some that are too large or too small, but you're sure to find one that fits.

The Smaller Fit sampler contains condoms that are less than 51mm nominal width (163mm circumference).

The Medium Fit sampler contains condoms that seem to be 51mm nominal width (163mm circumference) up to 53mm nominal width (168mm circumference).

The Large Fit sampler contains condoms that are larger than 53mm nominal width (168mm circumference).

I would personally recommend that you measure yourself and then choose the small, medium, or large sampler depending on your measurements. If you're on the edge between small and medium, then go with the medium or the perfect fit finder. If you're on the edge between medium and large, then go with medium or the perfect fit finder.

Now if you've already found a condom brand and size that you like, that's when you can buy a variety pack that modifies the condom is some way. For example, some condoms will change the condom by adding texture or lubricate. These are pretty easy to find if you search for the brand name and "variety pack" in a search engine.